Tutorial BW/Sepia-Like effect
POSTED ON Wednesday 21 November 2012 AT 20:07 \\

Assalamualaikum. Hello. okay, new tuto. tutorial nak bagi gambar BW or Sepia-Like. yeah. Sepia Like tu mcm merah merah sikit. Sepia lah en? okay pardon me if im wrong. as usual, instructions forst, the pictures are below of it. okay read it guys. Leggo!

  1. Photoshop > Open gambar ikut suka.
  2. Nampak tak dekat kotak layer sebelah kiri tu? okay tekan yg option mcm bulan tu. (Ini kena rujuk gambar. takut tak fhm.)
  3. then, koran pilih Channel Mixer. bila dh keluar bahagian yg Channel Mixer tu, MAKE SURE, korang tekan "Monochrome" nnt auto, dia tukar gambar tu jadi BW. okay, tak habis lagi.
  4. Bila dh jadi BW, kan ada lagi options Red, Green, Blue. 
  5. Okay yg tu, korang tukar ah nombor dia. ASALKAN TOTAL TIGA TIGA TU KENA CUKUP 100. tak cukup, tak boleh. okay pepandai ah adjust sendiri ikut kesesuaian gambar.
  6. okay done with BW effect. boleh save dah ;)

this is Picture-Tutorial for BW Effect

so, lets continue with the Sepia-Like one.

  1. untuk Sepia ni, kena buat yg BW dulu. okay? mcm biasa Photoshop > Open Gambar
  2. then bila korang dh siap buat yg BW effect tu, pergi kat tempat mcm bulat bulan tu, pergi dkt COLOR BALANCE. 
  3. okay bila dh bukak COLOR BALANCE, tekan Highlights dulu. 
  4. then tukar yg YELLOW > BLUE tu jadi nombor; -15 . okay.
  5. then tukar Tona Balance dia jadi Shadows pulak. bila dh tukar Shadow,
  6. Tukar nombor yg dekat CYAN > RED tu jadi; +35 .
  7. okay, siap. boleh save.

okay this is the results;

For BW;

For the Sepia-Like

okay got it? okay bai. thanks for reading :)