My opinions about it.
POSTED ON Sunday 2 December 2012 AT 17:53 \\

Assalamualaikum and Hello. :) see Yamada's picture there? today i wanna talk about his solo debut (Mystery Virgin) yes. as everybody know, that Yamada Ryosuke will have a solo debut. I guess Johnny Kitagawa need to stop give him big big responsible for a while. because, he is in Hey! Say! JUMP now. also NYC. now, solo debut? oh god, Yama-chan need a rest! pity him. ;__; but yeah, i still can accept the about the solo debut. BUT. hopefully, he will never leave JUMP. yeah i know he said that he'll stay in JUMP. but who knows the future? hmm.. im sorry. ;__; its pretty good for Yamada lovers. but when i knew about this, im totally speechless. this is damn unexpected.

I wish he will success with his solo debut. also, please take care of yourself! im really scared if you'll faint anywhere. ;__;  if Yuto Nakajima, and other JUMP members can support him, why not we as his fans? well, wish him the best for his solo debut. we JUMPers always support you from the back. :')

I promised myself that once a JUMPers, will forever be a JUMPers.

:3 my editing will be forever worst. -.- hahaha who cares, man xD k bai. :3