GIF tuto
POSTED ON Thursday 14 February 2013 AT 20:28 \\

Assalamualaikum / Hello :) okay actually someone asked me how do i edit my gifs. well, my gifs are not that good. but yeah. its not wrong right.....? *^* okay, lets start ;)

1. burst capture. via VLC Media Player

first, i burst capture it at VLC. you guys can use GOM too. but i prefer more VLC ^^

2. after i burst capture-d, open it at PICTURE. here;

then you can find yr pict there ;)

3. open it via Photoshop.

*need to know how to do basic gif making* okay after you opened it, reverse frames etc,
then i'll start to sharpen each frame. but you need to click both frame and layers to sharpen it. like this;

then, Filter > Sharpen . i like to use Unsharp Mask + Sharpen + Smart Sharpen. ;)

sharpen it with every frames. then my gif will be like this;

(I use Sharpen > Unsharp Mask > Smart Sharpen > Surface)

then i set every frames for 0.02 seconds. since its kinda too fast, so i make it slow a bit.

then its up to you. you can add vibrance, PSD, text and anything else. ^^ thats how i do my gifs. ;D here you go. the final result;

anything you can ask me. ^^ thank you for reading! ;D hope your work will end with success! ;D