How to Take Snapshots from VLC
POSTED ON Friday 8 February 2013 AT 07:09 \\

Assalamualaikum and Hello ^^ see the title right? okay, usually, i use GOM Player to make gifs before. but i found out something that VLC also can use to burst capture or what is it call? ah wtv xDD okay. sometimes, when you DL-ed something, it will be like this right? i tell you SOMETIMES.

yes then it cant be open at GOM Player which this had made me pissed off so damn much xD okay now is the solution. you guys can burst capture via VLC player. ^^ okay lets start.

first, open your video;

okay me ady made the setting. so at first, when you open yr VLC, you cant see this things right? ;

yeah to do that, go to VIEW > ADVANCED CONTROLS. like this;

yeah. then you will get these ;

yesss. ^^ okay lemme tell the function;

from left;
1. the red round shaped > its for record. its mean like you can record the video. like from 10 minutes to 2 minutes. like that. you can try it yrself ^^

2. the camera pict button > its for snapshots! ^^ this button where i use to do gifs. ;D

3 the A & B word. > at first, you click it, for the (A) one. then after a few sec/minutes, (as you want) click again for the (B) so then it will replaying from the A to B. try it to be more understand! ^^

4 . the video film button > its like you want to take snapshots but its frame by frame. ah idk how to use this tbh xDD im sorry. u.u

so thats it! ^^ i hope you guys can understand and hope this will help you! ^^

uhuhu its my gif! ^^ jaa ne minna :D