How to use "Action"
POSTED ON Friday 26 April 2013 AT 01:51 \\

Assalamualaikum // Hello everyone ^^ hisashiburi da yo ne :/ okay to day i want to make a tuto of how to use Action on yr pictures :)

first, like ususal, ope da ps :) then open yr pic.
after that, you need to download Action first. i recommend you to visit;
Action files are usually like this;

so you dont have to be panic. the file is not broken. its just like that :)

back to ps, find this button at yr ps;

then, click it. after that, you'll see a box will come out. liddis;

then you'll see at the top, at the very right side, an option button right? click it ^^

then you can see the "blue" at the Load Action right? xD click it and choose your Action file :)
after you've chose it, at the box, you'll see something liddis;

that's the action file. :) now, see the pict below. i'll tell the further. but its "kinda" complicated(?) okay ;)

you see the blue arrow right? click it and you'll see many options under it right? like this;

first, you can see the big red box that i've "marked" at it .
you need to click at the first option of the Action.
based on the above,i've clicked at that "blue" thing
then, if you see at the below, you see the little red box right?
with the "play" button :)
click the play button so the Action command can start ! ^^
this is the result of before and after using Actions ;

you can see the difference right? yes it have been more sharpen :D

dont hesitate to ask me if you have doubt in anything! ^^