How to put a pict in a shape
POSTED ON Saturday 27 July 2013 AT 00:18 \\

Assalamualaikum // Hello ~~ ^^ its been a long time ne, xD gomen :3 so today, i want make a tuto how to fit a pic in a various shape like this;

something like that :) i think there are more simplest or other way but i'll use what i know okay? its simple ^^ okay lets get started;

first, open a new document, with yr own fav widthXheight . i just use 700-750. but 500 also fine.

after that, set a new layer by clicking this; /that button at the bottom. then you'll get the other layer like at the top that i've coloured.

then, select the pen tool. for making it easy, i will recommend you to use freeform pen tool. because you can make yr fav shape easily.
then, make yr shape on that layer, like this;

its depends on you what shape you wanted to do :) so after you finished draw yr shape, right click and select MAKE SELECTION. ;

it will pop-out a window and just click okay. and it will appear with a dotted-lines. something like this;

yeah then select paint bucket tool and fill the shape with the colour that you like. after that do ctrl+D . it will make yr dotted-line lost and yeah you'll get something like this;

lets go to the best part;
open yr pict, edit it first if you want, add some psd or something else, and after you finished it, put the picture on the layer; liddis

yeah. after that, right click on tht pict and select "create slipping mask"

and voila~! you'll get yr picture in that shape. like this;

and dont worry, if you want to change the position of the pict also can. select ctrl+T and adjust yr pict.
something like this;

yes, and there you go. pict in various shapes ^^ i've done a same. like this; but a simple shape;

that's all. please dont hesitate to ask me questions ^^