How to edit topaz-like effect (w/out plugins)
POSTED ON Saturday 31 August 2013 AT 03:46 \\

Assalamualaikum // Hello :D its been a while since im here uhuuu sorry guys ;w; so today im gonna do a tutorial of -like the i said at the title- thing. :3 lets get started :D

so, open yr picture,

then duplicate it. after you duplicate it, go to filter>stylize and set it up liddis;

after that, set the opacity - 90 and the fill - 30
then, flatten the duplicate-d layer.

after you flatten it, duplicate the pict again.

go to filter>blur>gaussian blur> set the radius 3.5 pixels

and you should get the pict kinda like this;

then set into lighten, with opacity 30.
the result kinda like this;

after that go to smart sharpen, and set it like this;

* for me, you can play with the radius. like 0.3 // 0.2 sometimes the pict works on 0.2 and sometimes it works on 0.3 up to you :)

then you got yr pict with the topaz-like-effect-without-topaz clean-effect xD

you can add psd if you want~~ :DD

this is my final pict after adding actions and psd~ :D

dont hesistate to talk to me if you anything tht you dont understand~ :D