HTU Winrar
POSTED ON Sunday 20 January 2013 AT 23:19 \\

Assalamualaikum / Hello :) okay as you guys read, today i will do a tuto how to use winrar. act, i have done this together in htu textures tuto. but yeah, i guess i'll do the another one for other people know right? xD so lets go . :D

so, sometime, when you download something, you will see this thing right?

okay then you wanna open it and it will turn like this;

and you didnt know what to do right? okay so here is the solve;

first, go to your winrar file (the one where you wanna open it) , right click at the winrar file. like this;

as you can see there is an option; "EXTRACT FILES" click it. :)

then something will pop-out. like this ;

just click ok, then you will get your files. ^^ .

thats all, i hope you guys will understand and dont scared to ask me. ^^ any request or questions are kindly welcome at the cbox. ;D